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Healthy Living

Inside Out: Healthy In, Healthy Out

Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 NASB

There’s no secret that in order to be physically healthy, you must be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy. Your “outward” physical health will be a reflection of your “inward” health. This undeniable mind, body, and soul connection is what Paul eludes to in 3 John 1:2. It is just as difficult to prosper physically when you are spiritually unhealthy, as it is to prosper spiritually when you are physically unhealthy. Our goal should be to prosper in all areas so that when we are healthy on the “inside”, we are healthy on the “outside”.

The relationship between mental health, physical health and nutrition is a close one and what we feed ourselves matters. Nutrition is the foundation of health and we’ll get out of our bodies, that which we put in. When we truly understand just how fearfully, and wonderfully designed by God we are, the phrase “You are what you eat” becomes more relevant in our day to day choices as it relates to our overall health and in our spiritual health.

Just as important as it is to have a nutrition plan for our physical health, we must have a nutrition plan for our spiritual health. Ezekiel 3:3 gives us a reminder that we should be feeding ourselves the Word of God. It is the building block for our spiritual health, containing all of the essential nutrients and life-sustaining components we need to achieve and maintain a healthy life.

In God’s infinite wisdom, He created us to be intertwined physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We can’t be effective until we are feeding ourselves what we need to be healthy in every area. Those of us that have experienced success without tending to every area, are often successful in spite of our choices, not because of them. Just imagine where you can be when you are physically, emotionally, and spiritually whole!

For those of us with temple maintenance issues, emotional hurt or spiritual sickness that we haven’t allowed God to heal, let’s get back to the basics and the very building blocks that lead us to prosper and be in good health physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we feed ourselves the healthy foods our bodies desire, and the Word of God our spirits desire, then we can truly begin to experience what it means to be healthy from the inside out.


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